Saturday, August 13, 2011

Summer Quinoa

When it's the end of the day in the summer, all the kids have been home all day and the kitchen feels like it is 90 degrees, my goal is to get in and out of the kitchen without taking someones head off. Oh...and produce a wonderful dish full of love for my family as well, almost forgot that part.

This dish came from a trip to the midweek farmers market and some herbs my mother dropped of for me. I found some beautiful zucchini at the farmers market and then my mother dropped 2 little paper bags off for us. One containing bright red, lushes looking tomatoes. The other bag was full of a mixture of herbs from her desk herb garden. When creating this dish I opened the bag pulled out all the herbs; basil, rosemary and two types of parsley and couldn't not use any of them. So I chopped them all up and ended up with about a cup of the summery herb mixture. WOW it smelled so good.

Two pots, 45 minutes and the taste of a fresh summer garden. All I have to say about this dish.

1 1/3 C Quinoa (make sure you rinse it well)
2 2/3 C water
1 red onion chopped in big pieces
2 cloves garlic minced
3 Sm zucchini
1 lg Tomato
Various herbs of your choosing fresh from someones garden if not your own.
2 TBSP olive oil

Bring water to a boil and salt, add Quinoa and simmer on low until fluffy (appox. 30-40 minutes).
Meanwhile, heat oil in a pan and add garlic and onion and saute for 2-3 minutes
Add zucchini and saute for another 5 minutes
Add Tomato and herbs and lightly salt to taste.
Saute until Quinoa is ready and tomatoes have reduced and made the dish creamy.
Mix Quinoa and Veggies together in a large bowl and get the heck out of the kitchen.